School of Nursing (SON) (LUTH) Idi-Araba Shortlist Its Successful Candidates For Admission 2024 – We wish to bring this good news to you as we wish to announce to you that the management of the School of Nursing (LUTH) has released the 2024/2025 list of shortlisted candidates who were successful during its application process for a nursing program for the year academic session.
All candidates who applied and completed what is required of them can check if their names were added to the list released on the school notice board.
The School of Nursing (SON) (LUTH) has publicly made it known to the public that the list of shortlisted candidates was reviewed carefully and released so candidates who applied for its nursing programs can check their names to see if their application was considered.
Update On The College of Nursing (LUTH) Idi-Araba Admission Shortlist
It was said that thousands of candidates applied for admission to the School of Nursing, Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) Idi-Araba and several candidates who met the JAMB cut-off mark and other relevant requirements as instructed by the school management have been shortlisted and their names have as well-being made available on the school notice board.
However, this is good news to the public, most especially, to all individuals whose names were shortlisted as the School of Nursing, Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) Idi-Araba wishes to congratulate all successful candidates who were shortlisted on merit and charges them to be law-abiding and maintain a high level of discipline during the National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) nursing programs.
The school management also encourages all candidates who apply for a nursing program but cannot find their names on the admission list not to lose hope as there are numerous reasons why their names were not shortlisted.
However, the management of the School of Nursing (LUTH) Idi-Araba has said that their disqualification was due to lots of candidates who were seeking admission who applied failed to meet the school JAMB cutoff mark, did not fill out their respective information accurately and correctly, did not upload the right document and failed to process their application as instructed on the school official portal.
The Director of Nursing Education or the Head of School also encourages them to review the school Application Guidelines For The 2024/2025 Admission Process and reapply for the next admission year.
Other Updates About The School of Nursing (SON) (LUTH) Idi-Araba Admission List of Shortlisted Candidates
The director of nursing education or the head of school management or the School of Nursing (SON) (LUTH) Idi-Araba has publicly announced its admission list of shortlisted candidates for the 2024/2025 academic session for the National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) nursing programs.
All who obtained the LUTH application/admission form and completed all criteria can go to the school notice board and check to see if their names were on the list released as those who will be admitted to the institution.
Successful candidates who saw their names on the LUTH notice board should note that an admission letter will be offered to them.
All shortlisted candidates are hereby advised to adhere to the instructions outlined for newly admitted students and comply with all the guidelines as instructed by the head of school management via the school’s official portal:
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